Atlanta 8/17/2010 11:49:09 PM
News / Law

Woman killed by her ex-husband over Facebook taunts

29 year old Adam Mann battered his ex-wife, Lisa Beverley, with a hammer and then cut her throat with a knife. Mann has been found guilty of murder.

Mann and Beverley had agreed to a divorce in 2007. Since then, they had been battling over child support for their son.

 Beverley had called the Child Support Agency and informed them that Mann had lied about being unemployed. In turn the CSA had contacted Mann, demanding money from him for his 5 year old son, who was in Beverley's custody.

As a response to this, Beverley had updated her status saying, "Now whose laughing? U've got done big time by the CS, so now leave us alone for good, your son hates u and so do I."

Mann came to Beverley's apartment and left her in a pool of blood for their 5 year old son to discover the following day.