Atlanta, GA 7/3/2008 9:13:48 AM
News / Education

Drug Rehab Cleans Up Communities

Narconon Graduates Help Keep Communities Drug Free

Efforts from the police and concerned citizens try to contain the devastation from drug abuse.  Where Narconon Drug Rehab is involved, there can be total success in cleaning up a community and in fact, it is happening.

Narconon Drug Rehab GA staff have seen first hand that once an drug addict is clean, has faced their situation, and taken responsibility for self, family, and surroundings, an area around them that was once drug-infested and crime ridden can be cleaned up and people can be happy and prosperous.

Take the case of a small town in North Carolina. Drug abuse was high with a great percentage of the workforce using drugs. Crime was up as the drug addicts did anything and everything to feed their drug addiction. Two years ago, one family sent their son to Narconon Drug Rehab so that he could get clean.

When he returned, his uncle, JM, who had been trying to quit drugs for 18 years, saw him, and was convinced to come to Narconon Rehab GA. He in turn told a friend, DJ, who in turn told another, BB. They all did the Narconon program, returned to their town, and realized that part of maintaining their sobriety was taking responsibility for their town.  Returning with friends they had made in the program, DK and DL, they created a community where drug abuse is not promoted, tolerated, or condoned.

JM stated the factory he worked in before he entered drug rehab was a den of drug abuse. Working with his fellow employees, he has helped to establish a factory that is drug free, His experience in the “bad old days” alerts him to any sign of drug abuse and it is quick to be addressed. “I never thought life could be so good without drugs,” he stated.

Another young graduate, DK, works at a BMW factory. “My life has turned into a fairy tale,” he states. "I was 19, young, and deep into doing drugs with my friends. Now I have responsibilities and a good future.  This would not have been possible without Narconon Drug Rehab. My parents sleep at night now knowing I am doing well.”

These graduates have made a huge impact in their community. Once the target of police scrutiny and suspicion, (small towns know what everyone is doing), they now honorary members of the Drug Task Force and give lectures to local schools. “I don’t condemn the kids, I just give them the facts,” states DJ. “I tell them what my life was like and what it is now. They appreciate the honesty and see me as a good example, a role model they need to stay away from drugs.”

Whole communities, once destined to becoming crime ridden drug dens, are now happy and thriving, thanks to the Narconon Drug Rehab GA graduates and the work they do.  

What about your community?  We can help you clean it up.  It starts with you and your friends and a sea of calm and happiness can extend from there.

For more information on drug education, call Narconon Drug Rehab GA at 1-877-413-3073.
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