Atlanta 8/18/2010 11:41:58 PM
News / Business

Life Sized Mouse trap - And 3 Other Weird Crowdfunding Projects

've come across three other weird crowdfunding projects recently that made me stop and smile, and I just can't help but share them with you.

Remember that kids game "Mouse Trap?"
It took forever to set up, and if you got the pieces assembled JUST right, you could set off a Rube Goldberg style chain reaction...
(Usually it took longer to set up than it did to play)...
Well, expect to see a real live sized version of the classic game in the very near future...
A Mark Perez is behind a new successful crowdfunding project and he's been raising the funds needed to complete the project, and ship it to the east coast... including a real safe dropped from a crane, a real bathtub, and weighing in at over 50,000 pounds...
Crowdfunding is really exciting, because projects like that used to be the stuff of pipe dreams. Now, with less than $100 and an hour online, you can go to a crowdfunding platform, set up a "project page" and start accepting donations to make your wild idea a reality.
I've come across three other weird crowdfunding projects recently that made me stop and smile, and I just can't help but share them with you:
Weird Crowdfunding Project #1) "Bugsy" raised $271.12 to go on a road trip to Georgetown to see Richard Branson speak, with the hopes of sharing a beer with him...

Weird Crowdfunding Project #2) Jerry Paffendorf started his crowdfunded real estate project called "Loveland" and over the course of about a dozen projects raised $11,833.00! The way this crowdfunding project worked was hillarious, you could buy "inches" of property in Detroit, MI through "Loveland" and actually go visit the spot you bought and set it up the way you want!
Weird Crowdfunding Project #3) The Natian Brewery got $1,825 in crowdfunding donations to start up a micro-brewery! Crowdfunding + Beer =Awesome in my book :-)
There are literally thousands of examples of great ways people have gotten paid to make their passions and side projects real. Crowdfunding is changing the way people think about what's possible online. Just think about it, in a week or two, you could be well on your way to crowdfunding that book, movie, album, or crazy adventure you've been dreaming about...
To learn more about crowdfunding, as well as how to avoid the major mistakes people make, hit the next page and sign in to get your free interview. There's no obligation to buy anything, and you'll walk away with a great resource that could help you make your first crowdfunding project a success.