Los Angeles 7/6/2008 1:56:13 AM
News / Business

CSR Designer John Longenecker Launches Safe Streets Title For Safer Streets Where They’re Needed Most.

Liberty Author and Corporate Citizenship Consultant has an interesting new take on Safe Streets that major cities refuse.

Liberty Author and Corporate Citizenship Consultant has an interesting new take on Safe Streets that major cities have refused for decades.


Cultural Observer and Author John Longenecker’s useful idea for major cities is already appreciated by more than 80 million adults in this country, and it doesn’t involve more guns: it involves more Liberty and the official recognition of citizen authority in our oversight of officials, and not the other way around. Longenecker believes that safe streets are endlessly postponed by stubbornness at the major cities level while accepted and proven by many other cities.

John Longenecker Communications crafts custom Social Responsibility programs for small to medium sized businesses. His style specializes in the so-called controversial patriotic issues and removes the controversy, replacing it with showing relevance to the American household and way of life in freedom.

There are many patriotic organizations who tread lightly on meeting issues self-destructive to the nation, and choose not to tackle the controversial. Longenecker’s program for safer streets in the major cities shows how he handles controversy in Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry of Handguns [CONTRAST MEDIA PRESS, June, 2008], by writing not about guns, but of all things, Personal Burdens, and how and why gun ownership is so very patriotic. His formula has been described as a whole new roadmap on how we all can get to safer streets, and how anti-violence has been nothing but a detour.

"In truth, no one is even talking about guns on campus per se – at its core, the second amendment rights case made by students is all over who has oversight over whom, and by law, the people have oversight - and authority - over both trustees and law enforcement. It’s a good formula for unlocking the grip so many policies have on the American Family. Safe Streets shows how they are all related.

"It's the beginning of unlocking them all," he says, "in seeing the link between Human Dignity and Liberty in all things, and one of the most important dignities is how you run your home without interference."

"Safe Streets is an important book for our mission of linking Human Dignity to Freedom and LIberty as giving back in social responsibility," he adds, "in that self-rule is just as important to the health of the planet as the environment is."


John Longenecker Communications designs and consults on Patriotic Corporate Social Responsibility with human dignity in liberty at the forefront. .

Go to www.FreedomCanProtectItself.com