Brattleboro, Vermont 8/21/2010 4:04:33 AM
News / Business

Crowdfunding Love In: Tune In, Turn On, Show The Love...

Crowdfunding is groovy man...

Crowdfunding is groovy man...

If you've been following the most recent crowdfunding projects online, then you've probably been as excited as I have been about the bizarro and wonderful things happening...

I for one fully intend to start crowdfunding a burlesque show involving lots of puppets, booze, and fire...

Crowdfunding can make our deepest, most tightly suppressed ideas a reality, regardless of our ability to pay to make them happen... And I think it's crowdfunding that will bring us into a whole new era of "good feelings"...

And it all brings me back to the 60's...  

Ah the 60's...

Free love, free drugs (sometimes) free fun with "free" friends...

To be fair, this is what I understand of the 60's - maybe that's all Hollywood...I wasn't there. I wasn't even a twinkle in my daddy's eye... (he was 12 or so I think)...

But I can resonate with that whole "vibe" - enlightenment, thought, mind-expansion.... Eschewing the way things "are supposed to be" in favor of how things really can be...It was a paradigm shift.

(as an aside, it wasn't until my second year of college that I realized "paradigm" wasn't pronounced "pair-a-didg-em")
It was a time for people to stop coloring inside the lines and make a sculpture out of melted crayons and glass beads...

And it was an era when you could inspire a whole group of like-minded individuals to accompany you on a crazy trek across country to build a commune, or build a sauna, or start a granola business...

And that spirit of "let's just quit our jobs, drop out of school and do it" was pretty much lost come the 80's...
I know, because the world I grew up in was a LOT more conservative and fearful.

But then along comes the Internet, and opens the doors of possibility back up - spawning probably the coolest grassroots movement since Greenpeace - Crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding isn't really about money, as much as the money helps - it's about showing love.
It's about opening up your Facebook page to see that your cousin Jay is crowdfunding an organic pizza joint in Milwaukee, and donating $45 to help him hit his crowdfunding goals...

It's about discovering a 12 year old who's crowdfunding a business to make exquisite paper dolls, and giving her $37 to help her make her crowdfunding dream a reality...

It's about finding a candidate for mayor of your town on Twitter, and donating $150 to her crowdfunding campaign, because you like what she has to say, and you know she's not getting any big corporate cash....

It's about using money as a means of showing your love for the amazing people, awesome projects, and fantastic ideas that you think will make the world a better place.

If you haven't started your own crowdfunding project, then I encourage you to grab the free interview on the next page that boils the process down for you and gives you some incredible resources...

And if you haven't shown the love yet - then head over to,,, or any of the other crowdfunding communities. Find a crowdfunding project that tickles your fancy, and donate what you can.

It just feels good, man.
