Los Angeles 7/11/2008 7:19:02 AM
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Contrast Media Press Makes Safe Streets Liberty Paperback Available For Bulk Purchase.

Contrast Media Press makes a superb and timely topic available for Speakers, Seminar Hosts and others following the repeal of the Washington, D.C. gun ban by the Supreme Court.

Author and cultural observer John Longenecker notes that anti-violence activists in their activism are announcing to the world that they refuse - in advance - to act in self-defense and defense of loved ones.

Longenecker has better idea in a new take on Safe Streets in America, but the major cities have been balking at the proposal for decades while 48 states have not regretted employing the concept for about the same time. Predictably, crime rates have always been highest in the major cities, and people die at the stubbornness of city officials for a political discouragement of resisting crime. Bypassing the dusty old rejoinder of battling American Tyranny, Longenecker brings a refreshing take in a formula for safer streets just for non-gun owners, especially heads of household, and thereby speaks to the whole of every City.

"And it's something we need to learn and accept if we want to live again on safe streets," says the Publisher.

Longenecker lays it out in a neat 200 pages.

With the liberty-friendly ruling of the D.C. v. Heller case out of the Supreme Court June 26, 2008 that gun bans are unconstitutional, "Not only are major cities going to see their gun bans vigorously challenged, but more neutral but interested citizens are going to notice and begin to follow their progress," says Longenecker, "and there is plenty of demand for liberty speakers holding seminars to answer them in the evenings and at luncheons. Liberty books focusing on precisely that topic can continue the thrust of the message after the speech is over."

Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry of Handguns elaborates the most important issues parents, workers, employers and others might like to know before announcing or deciding privately that they will not own a weapon, nor act in self-defense.

"Surrendering in advance is very bad advice when you are a head of a household, loved, needed and with people depending on you," he presses. "Every person is just too precious in their own right to be fodder for political games."

Longenecker understands precisely what the anti-violence movement has obfuscated from the household: Safe Streets clears it up.

Corporate accounts for bulk purchase paperback editions at deep discounts. Organizations looking for bulk purchases can contact the publisher from the website at www.ContrastMediaPress.com

Individual copies can be purchased at any online bookseller in paperback and hardcover.


Contrast Media Press makes liberty books available in bulk for liberty organizations in their mission of educating in the public interest. Individual copies are available at all online and brick and mortar booksellers.