Atlanta, GA 7/11/2008 9:10:27 PM
News / Law

Brian Nichols Trial to Move to New Building

Judge orders trial to be moved since the current location was the crime scene.

The Brian Nichols trial will be moved to a different location following the decision of Superior Court Judge James Bodiford who ordered the move since the county courthouse was the site of Nichols’ crime.


The county has ten days to move the trial.  While no place has been set, Bodiford states that there has been no opposition from the defense or the prosecution to move the trial to the Atlanta Municipal Court.  County Manager Zachary Williams spoke out against the move to the Atlanta Municipal Court, saying that it would cost too much.


Nichols is on trial for murder after he brutally gunned down a judge and one other person within the court house and a third person outside.  Bodiford has ordered the move over concerns that the jury may be prejudice at the county courthouse.


Nichols faces 54 charges including the March 11 shooting of Judge Rowland Barnes, court reporter Julie Ann Brandau, Fulton County deputy sheriff Sgt. Hoyt Teasley and US Customs agent David Wilhelm.  Nichols shot them following his attempted escape from the courthouse.  He was currently on trial for rape.


Nichols is pleading not guilty by reason of insanity.


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