Brattleboro, Vermont 8/24/2010 2:42:52 AM
News / Business

Kickstarter: 3 Reasons to Raise Funds Here FIRST.

Fundraising is a battlefield.

Fundraising is a battlefield.

I remember. My dad used to run a youth center - we didn't get money from schools or churches and any grants we managed to land were the result of my dad slaving away until the wee hours of the morning - typing, cursing, envelope stuffing...

So we wentdoor to door, we had art sales, we started a community theater troupe and gigged at conventions and festivals...

We worked hard to keep that place open. Me, my family, and the kids who loved having a place to paint and listen to Nirvana after school.

Now, that place folded about 13 years back, but the memories are still fresh in my head, and I wonder if it would still be open if we'd had Kickstarter back then...
No matter what your dream, your goal - chances are with a little creativity you can find the cash you need at Kickstarter. is more than just a crowdfunding platform, it's a vibrant community of makers, doers, and funders.

I'm going to give you three solid reasons to start with Kickstarter, before slaving away over a mailing, canvassing a neighborhood or writing a single grant...

Kickstarter Advantage #1: Urgency.

A Kickstarter project only gets funded if you raise the amount you need in the time you specify, so if you want to raise $5,000 on Kickstarter, your funders will know that they can't delay - they have to act immediately or risk costing you your funds... which leads me to the next awesome thing about Kickstarter:

Kickstarter Advantage #2: Community.

The "Kickstarter Community" is a mongrel audience, but I mean that in the best way. Kickstarter relies on you to bring in donors - and once a donor is in the door, it's a slippery (and very fun) slope... Many Kickstarter funders are serial givers, they fund many projects that they take an interest in.

That means, not only will you have a way to raise money from your social circles, but you'll also be in front of their community of people who genuinely LOVE funding cool projects.

Kickstarter Advantage #3: Name Recognition.

It may not be a "Facebook or Twitter" yet, but more and more, people know the name. The more buzzworthy projects they help fund, the more buzz comes back to them, so it's a great opportunity to raise funds using a trusted platform that's already got some street cred.

Kickstarter is a fantastic site, brimming with possibilities - but beware - not all crowdfunding projects are created equal, and many go un-funded.

Hit the link below, and grab the free audio on the next page, it's a quick little interview that reveals some surprising facts you might not know about Kickstarter and successful crowdfunding...
It could mean the difference between a laid back, easy fund raiser through, and long nights of envelope stuffing...