Atlanta, GA 7/16/2008 4:29:19 AM
News / Law

"Bonnie and Clyde" Jocelyn Kirsch Pleads Guilty to ID Fraud, Conspiracy

Jocelyn S. Kirsch, one of the famed "Bonnie and Clyde" duo, pleaded guilty Tuesday to funding lavish vacations with money made from scamming people.

Kirsch, 22, pleaded guilty to one count each of conspiracy, access device fraud, bank fraud and money laundering and two counts of aggravated identity theft.

Kirsch and her one-time boyfriend, Edward K. Anderton, a University of Pennsylvania graduate, are accused of stealing identification of friends, co-workers and neighbors to finance a lavish lifestyle. They are accused of stealing more than $116,000 from their victims.

A neighbor uncovered the duo had opened a credit card account under her name just three weeks after she moved in. Kirsch and Anderton, a former UPenn swimmer, were arrested in December.

The two became known as the modern day "Bonnie and Clyde" after pictures of them on lavish vacations circulated the Internet. They trotted the globe, furnished their $3,000-a-month Center City condo and bought the latest in electronics with their newfound credit. They traveled to Paris, Hawaii, and Turks & Caicos Islands.

Kirsch, a former student at Drexel University, could face six years in prison with her guilty plea. Kirsch's sentencing is set for Oct. 17.

Anderton, 25, pleaded guilty last month to the same counts. Due to better conduct than Kirsch, he'll likely get five years. Anderton's date is Sept. 19.

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