Brattleboro, Vermont 8/26/2010 11:54:24 PM
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Email Marketing Videos: 3 Great Tips To Get Results

What’s a Little Email Marketing Fish in a Sea of Corporate Whales Supposed To Do?

If you’ve been involved in internet marketing for any length of time, you are well aware of the power of email marketing as a tool in your bag of sales tricks. But with the flood of cyberspace competition for that precious piece of real estate known as the “top slot in a prospective customer’s email inbox”, you’ve got to have an edge just to get Joe Buyer to even open your awesome email copy with the great deal you’re offering,… much less take the time to read it. So what’s a little email marketing fish in a sea of corporate whales supposed to do to get noticed and considered?

Enter: Email Marketing Videos. Surely you’ve seen them in your inbox, these short and sweet emails with a teaser line, and then a link to a video included in the body of the email. You’re probably curious about video email, but not quite sure how to use it. This is natural. This new and exciting idea offers plenty of options email-wise, but you need to know which ways to use it will work best. Here are three great tips to get results using video links in your email marketing campaigns:
Great Tip #1: Customer Testimonials
Studies show that a referral from an average, normal human being is way more convincing than any banner ad you'll find online. For this reason alone, consider the video testimonial to be a great selling point for your products and services. Find someone who has emailed you or called praising your product. Ask them if they'd be interested in filming a video testimonial that you can use on your site and in your email marketing system. Explain how quick and easy the process is, and walk them through it if necessary. As a reward, give them one of your other products for free, or an exclusive offer reserved only for special partners.  
Great Tip #2: Product Trials and Demos
A free or almost free trial offering of your product is hard to refuse by someone who needs it or is searching for it anyway. A great email marketing strategy is to send an email with a link to a video with the offer, and practically every serious customer would quickly drop five or ten bucks on a time limited trial of your product that normally sells for much more. If your product is web-based or an electronic download, your cost is minimal, and your profits are unlimited.

Unless you're posting detailed videos on how to use your products, a video showing exactly how your product works is a great way to teach your customers how to optimize their purchase. An added bonus? Less returns from customers who mis-use your products. To make things even more targeted, create product demonstrations for your top 10 best-selling goods and email the appropriate one to your customers after they buy one of these products.
Great Tip #3: A Personal Thank You Message
Most consumers buy plenty of products and services through email marketing and never get more than an email telling them they're appreciated for their business. That's why the personal thank you is so effective. Have your CEO or Company President record a brief but heartfelt message thanking them for their business. Touch upon the economy and how much it means to your company that during hard times, they spend their money on you. A little thank you can go a long way with your customers. A special thank-you email with a link to a thank-you video kicks it up a few notches, and can create serious customer loyalty and increase your credibility with them.    
There are dozens of great ways to use video links in your email marketing campaigns, but these three tend to be especially effective. To learn more about how your business can benefit from a successful email marketing system, hit the link below and watch this free video: