Fort Lauderdale 9/3/2010 12:19:45 AM
News / Law

When Do You Need a DUI Attorney?

Even if your DUI charge is a first time offense, you must consider appointing a DUI attorney to handle your case. A DUI charge is applicable not only when operating a vehicle on the road but also in the case of operating an aircraft and a boat. An adequately qualified DUI lawyer will be able to represent a client competently, effectively, and efficiently. You might think it unnecessary to engage a lawyer if no one was hurt in the incident or if your blood alcohol level was only slightly elevated.


Consider It


However, legal counsel would make your case stronger and it is better to be safe than sorry. This is not something you hold up to chance. Even if you cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one for you. It is essential that you contest the charges because the stakes are very high in the event of a conviction. Your license is at risk of being suspended or it could also be revoked. A DUI attorney can help you do the following:


  • Evaluate your position


  • Help you understand the implications of a conviction


  • Present your case in court


  • Understand and preserve your rights


Stay Open Minded


If it is your second or third offense, then you must hire a DUI lawyer because the conviction rates are much higher for repeat offenders. The penalties are also more severe. Finding an attorney who specializes in DUI cases is your best bet. Such an attorney would have experience dealing with various types of DUI offenses and will know the best way to counter the charges. You might also have to consider a plea bargain depending upon the severity of the charge. This is not a time to be rigid.


Think It Through