Denver, CO 7/28/2008 10:01:00 PM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Reports Details of Failing Artificial Hip Component Known as the Zimmer Durom Cup, the number one legal resource available on the Web, recently informed readers of a potentially faulty hip socket known as the Zimmer Durom cup. Zimmer Holdings announced it would "suspend sales of the artificial hip component" because of continued complaints by physicians that the hip socket was failing or faulty, according to reports in The New York Times. Individuals who may have been affected by the potential Durom cup failure should consider speaking with an experienced law firm about the development of a potential Durom cup lawsuit in which monetary compensation could be an outcome.

According to reports in The New York Times, the Durom cup has been available for only a couple of years, since 2006. However, since that time, more than 12,000 individuals have received the artificial hip component and had it implanted into their bodies. Patients that have undergone a hip replacement surgery and may be affected by the potential
Durom cup recall should speak with their physician immediately to reduce the risk of harm because of the hip socket failure. Additionally, legal counsel may be a way to avoid being stuck with unnecessary medical bills because of a faulty artificial hip component.

Patients can learn more about this and a variety of other legal issues by visiting LegalViewís other information portals. Some of the most recently updated information portals available through the LegalView legal library include information on obtaining a truck accident attorney or how to cope with a traumatic brain injury. Additionally, LegalView offers an extensive library of resources on pharmaceutical issues including the Cipro warning.

LegalView recently launched a site on truck accidents, as the unfortunate number of truck accidents have continued to rise in numbers across the country. According to research from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), the number of truck accidents has been increasing over the last 10 years. It is also reported that truck accidents, specifically tractor trailer truck accidents, are among the most costly and fatal of all accidents, which is why LegalView provides information on how to find a
truck accident lawyer.

In the United States, there are millions of individuals who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) incident. The LegalView information portal can help those who need a
traumatic brain injury lawyer. The effects of a TBI can range from the small - such as concussions, headaches - to severe, including long or short term memory loss, loss of motor skills and physical abilities/functions, depression, mental disintegration, comma or even death. The LegalView information portal provides research on the latest TBI recovery methods and scientific research to help individuals cope with TBI.

Also, LegalView also has pharmaceutical portals that offer insightful details as to the latest Food and Drug Association (FDA) news or recalls. Most recently, a group of antibiotics known as the fluoroquinolones have had a warning label increase, being affixed with a black box warning label, which is the harshest warning from the FDA. Among the antibiotics is Cipro. The antibiotic is used to treat an array of bacterial infections. However, it received the black box label because of its link to Achilles tendonitis among patients. Those who may have suffered from the
Cipro side effect are encouraged to speak with their doctor immediately.

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