Denver, CO 7/28/2008 10:04:17 PM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Unveils Details of a Breakthrough Mesothelioma Cancer Early Detection Test for Mesothelioma Patients

LegalView, the most comprehensive legal resource available on the web, informed mesothelioma blog readers of a new scientific test that may offer early diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer. The diagnostic test is an effort between Rosetta Genomics Ltd. and the Columbia University Medical Center. The two organizations have completed the test that can determine between two similar forms of lung cancer. The research is being hailed as a breakthrough, especially for those suffering from mesothelioma cancer. Because the rare cancer often appears similar to other less deadly types of lung cancer, it can spread quickly and become fatal within a matter of months upon the misdiagnosis. Those who have mesothelioma cancer or who have lost a loved one to the disease can speak with a mesothelioma attorney and learn about the details of a potential mesothelioma lawsuit in which monetary compensation may be awarded.

Mesothelioma is an incurable lung cancer that has been linked to the inhalation of asbestos fibers and dust. The cancer typically remains dormant within the body for years or even decades, and is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms are similar to other variations of lung cancer as well as other diseases. Individuals who have been affected by this condition can receive legal consultation and additional
mesothelioma information by speaking with a mesothelioma lawyer.

For more information on this and other mesothelioma research, visit LegalView's homepage at Readers will also find a vast array of legal resources ranging from information on rare diseases, such as Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF), or on the latest news of controversial pharmaceutical drugs and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalls. Most recently, the FDA increased the labeling of a group of antibiotics - increasing the label to a black box warning, which is considered the strongest and harshest of the FDA's labeling. Among the fluoroquinolone antibiotics are Cipro and Levaquin, the most commonly prescribed of this allegedly dangerous group of prescription drugs.

Cipro, also known as ciprofloxacin, is an antibiotic that was released in August 2000 from Bayer A.G. The antibiotic treats a multitude of bacterial infections but has been linked to several severe side effects, the most extreme being tendon rupture among patients. Specifically, patients who took the drug, whether short or long term, are subject to a high risk of Achilles tendonitis. The risk also affects individuals who took the drug anywhere from weeks before the tendon rupture to patients who may have taken the drug years prior to their tendon rupture. Individuals suffering from this condition are advised to seek legal counsel to learn about a potential
Cipro class action lawsuit.

Levaquin, levofloxacin, similar to Cipro, treats several types of bacterial infections including gonorrhea, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. The drug has also been subject to the black box labeling and the
Levaquin warning includes the risk of tendon rupture among patients. Additionally, an array of harmful side effects of the antibiotic exist including: abdominal tenderness; cramping or severe pain; confusion, hallucinations or psychosis; diarrhea; fever; blisters, redness and swelling of the skin; sensation of burning skin; trembling or seizures; vomiting; easy bruising or bleeding; jaundice; numbness in limbs or tingling in fingers; swelling and pain in legs/muscles.

The FDA also recently issued a public-safety advisory on another antibiotic unrelated to the fluoroquinolone drugs known as Ketek or telithromycin. The antibiotic has been linked to severe liver damage among patients and has allegedly been the cause of nearly 18 deaths, according to FDA reports. Those who are taking the antibiotic should consult a physician immediately to determine if the prescription drug may cause harm. It is also advisable for patients to speak with an experienced pharmaceutical law firm to discuss the details of a possible
Ketek lawsuit, which is especially important for patients who have previously been victim to the adverse risks of the drug.

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