Atlanta, Ga. 9/3/2010 11:52:30 PM
News / Business

SEM Applications with Press Release Distribution Offered through

To better market their products and services and create awareness about their business many companies are utilizing search engine marketing (SEM) applications in addition to traditional press releases to spread their message. By implementing both aspects into their marketing campaign a business can deliver a more comprehensive message and educate potential customers and clients.


As a news and press release distribution outlet that offers a number of SEM applications TransWorldNews has blended new marketing tools with customary methods to create a valuable platform from which a company’s campaign can be launched.


Distributing press releases through TransWorldNews affords businesses the ability to not only deliver a written message but include a number of marketing tools that will draw the reader’s attention and help deliver your message.


Among the marketing tools available on TransWorldNews is the option to include a video within your press release, create a picture gallery, uses embedded links off of keywords and phrases and display your logo. Readers of a press release also have easy access to a company’s past press releases, allowing them to view previous releases and gather more information about the company.


TransWorldNews also offers the unique ADit application that allows a company to control the advertising space that appears on their press release. By utilizing ADit a company can display their own banner ads on their release with each banner set to a specific URL designated by the company. These banner ads can serve to highlight products and services mentioned in the release, mention upcoming events or anything else the company wants to promote.


The URL Traffic Builder is another marketing tool offered by TransWorldNews and this allows a company to display their Web site at the bottom of each of their press releases. This adds additional exposure for your business as readers can browse your site directly from your press release.


To further assist businesses in their online marketing campaign TransWorldNews has included a “Share” button on the bottom of each release which makes it easy to post the press release to more than 200 social media and bookmarking sites.


As a means of creating favorable results in search engines TransWorldNews manually search engine optimizes each press release distributed. This free service takes the key words and phrases from each release and places special emphasis on them so that when a search engine gets a query for those words or phrases the release has a more favorable positioning in the news and web results.


TransWorldNews offers a range of options for press release distribution including single press release submission to an unlimited press release distribution plan. For more information about the right option for you please visit: Press Release Distribution


To learn more about how the services of TransWorldNews please contact us at 404.443.3224




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Atlanta, Ga. 30329

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