Los Angeles 8/8/2008 12:57:14 AM
News / Business

www.californiafelonparty.org - Larry Jay Levine, a former federal inmate in Los Angeles organizes felons in California into a voting block to swing the November elections




California allows former felons to vote, but the state prohibits
voting by people incarcerated in prison or on parole. According to
the California Constitution and Elections Code, “A person entitled
to register to vote shall be a United States citizen, a resident of
California, not in prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony,
and at least 18 years of age.” (Cal. Const. Art. II, Sec. 4; Cal. Elec.
Code Sec. 2101) This means that California residents who have a
felony conviction can vote after completion of parole, while on
probation, or if they are committed to county jail with a felony





Dear friends and fellow felons.

      Welcome to www.californiafelonparty.org, the official website of the California Felon Party.  Each year tens of thousands of felons are released from custody back to California, all sharing the same misbelief that they are ineligible to vote. While it's true pursuant to state law, that those on Parole or Incarcerated are ineligible, a felon not on parole but probation, federal supervised relief, or off paper entirely, share  the same voting privileges all citizens of our great state enjoy. In California, motioning the Court, or filing for Civil Rights restoral is unnecessary, and as long as you meet the above criteria, it's automatic.  

       Because the United States is a democracy, and California allows it, the precious right to vote as a felon is one of the few acts that you can do to help decide what laws will be passed, who will govern our state and country, and what type of future our children and grandchildren will have in the years to come.
With soaring gas prices and an uncertain economy, you have a responsibility a citizen to vote and decide who will lead us into the next decade.


      Although we are not yet a duly registered political party, it is my intention to gather the necessary signatures from you, your friends and families, to file the proper documents, so that we may in the future run our own candidates, and support the candidates of other parties by creating a swing vote, to ensure that legislation is passed protecting the rights of all, and to prevent the continuing practice of people being unjustly sentenced to harsh terms in custody for minor offenses.

       Although I've only been contacted by representatives from one of the major presidential candidates who supports former prisoners' rights, I urge you to check this site frequently for news and information on who the California Felon Party plans to support in the November election.

       Remember, we're hundreds of thousands strong, with potentially millions of supporters who share are beliefs, and despite that you may feel that your one vote is insignificant, keep in mind that Adolph Hitler was elected in to office by only a few votes and changed the course of history.

       Don't let your right to vote go wasted! I urge you to register immediately as an Independent, and help shape the State, Country and world that we live in.

        God bless you all.

Larry Jay Levine - Founder
Owner American Prison Consultants
