New York, NY 8/15/2008 3:00:00 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Lawyer Central Release Adds Legal Videos to Nursing Home Abuse Resource Center

Lawyer Central is pleased to announce that it has added new nursing home abuse legal videos to its Nursing Home Abuse Resource Center. Elder care abuse (also known as nursing home abuse) and intentional abuse of nursing home residents are among the topics explained by an experienced nursing home abuse attorney in the nursing home abuse legal videos.  

Physical abuse is one of several forms of elder care abuse that are described in the legal videos. Physical nursing home abuse can occur in the form of shoving, slapping, hitting, kicking, or other actions that cause physical harm to the nursing home resident. Unwarranted use of physical restraint and excessive restraint also qualifies as abuse, as does overmedication and withholding of medical care. Physical nursing home abuse can cause personal injury and wrongful death in severe circumstances.

Signs of physical nursing home abuse include unexplained fractures, open wounds, cuts and abrasions, sprains, dislocations, bruising, welts, burns, frozen joints, and black eyes. Bleeding from internal injuries is a less obvious sign of physical abuse.  

Physical nursing home abuse can be difficult to detect because of a number of factors. Nursing home employees may try to explain away injuries resulting from physical nursing home abuse by claiming that the victim has fallen. Nursing home residents may be afraid or unable to report the abuse they are experiencing. It is important to note that staff refusal to allow visitors to see a resident or refusal to allow visitors to be alone with the resident may be an indication that abuse is taking place. Failure of the nursing home staff to report an illness or injury to family members and/or a physician can also be signs of physical nursing home abuse.

Visit for more information about physical nursing home abuse and to view Lawyer Central’s nursing home abuse videos.

If you are the victim of nursing home abuse or believe your loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse, you can search Lawyer Central’s nationwide directory of nursing home abuse lawyers to find an attorney in your area. You can also complete a free nursing home abuse case evaluation and receive a response from a nursing home abuse attorney within 24 hours.

The Lawyer Central Network is an exclusive nationwide network of attorneys highly dedicated to their unique areas of practice, including nursing home abuse. Lawyer Central is emerging as the leading public relations and mixed media marketing organization for fast-growing law firms and forward-thinking attorneys. Lawyer Central membership includes a variety of media exposure ranging from practice area video filming, through interviews and complete public relations and internet relations management.