New York 9/21/2010 1:46:55 AM
News / Law

Janitors Who Were Denied Overtime Pay May Be Able to Participate in Unpaid Overtime Lawsuits

The overtime attorneys working with are available to review claims from janitors who regularly work more than 40 hours per week and have been denied overtime pay. Unless specifically exempt under overtime law, janitors and custodians are entitled to receive 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for every hour worked in excess of 40 during a single workweek. If you have been denied overtime pay as a janitor, visit today to learn your legal rights. 

Overtime violations can occur in any industry, and janitors are among the employees who are often subjected to these illegal wage and hour practices. Employee misclassification is a common overtime abuse which can affect janitorial workers and occurs when an employer intentionally classifies a worker as exempt from overtime wages. Often, an employer will misclassify their employees as independent contractors, as these workers are generally ineligible to receive overtime pay. However, if the employee does not fit the description of a true independent contractor, they are entitled to collect time-and-a-half pay when working more than 40 hours a week, unless otherwise exempt. 

Working off the clock is another common overtime violation which can affect custodians and occurs when an employee is required to show up before their shift begins or stay late after their workday has ended. Employers can utilize this illegal wage and hour practice by forcing employees to stay after their shifts to correct errors or complete unfinished work or to clock out for meal breaks even though they are required to continue working. Janitors who are forced to work off the clock may be eligible to recover financial compensation through an unpaid overtime lawsuit.  

If you have been denied overtime pay as a janitor, your employer may have violated federal or state overtime law. Visit today to learn more about your legal rights and receive a free case evaluation. The overtime lawyers working with are offering this case review at no cost and are dedicated to protecting the rights of janitors and other employees who were wrongfully denied overtime pay. 

About IQ Overtime was established to provide information for workers who have been denied overtime compensation. Comprehensive resources for workers are available on this site, including informational articles, an overtime calculator, answers to frequently asked questions, and an overview of state overtime laws. If you have been denied overtime pay, get the legal help you need today. Visit and complete the Free Case Evaluation form to have your claim reviewed at no cost.