Denver, CO 8/15/2008 11:04:23 PM
News / Education

LegalView Informs Mesothelioma Blog Readers with Details on Asbestos: Silent Killer of American Veterans Dating Back to World War II

LegalView, the most comprehensive legal resource available on the Internet, unveiled details of a "silent killer" of American veterans that dates back to World War II. Asbestos fibers and dust may have been silently killing veterans returning home from American-fought wars, and has long been overlooked, according to veteran and book author William S. Burton Sr. Currently, many scientists and researchers have deemed traumatic brain injury (TBI) to be the "signature injury" of the recent war, but veterans also suffer from mesothelioma cancer caused by the inhalation of asbestos.

According to Burton, veterans, especially navy veterans from World War II, have had difficulties proving their asbestos-induced conditions to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Veterans as well as those suffering from the cancer are encouraged to locate a
mesothelioma law firm that can provide a plethora of experienced mesothelioma attorneys to choose from.

Mesothelioma cancer is caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, which were mined throughout the world in the 20th century. Tremolite, which is found in asbestos, caused fibers being inhaled to line the inside of the lung causing the deadly form of cancer that can spread to other parts of the body. While much is being done to find out about
mesothelioma treatment, there are no known cures and very few treatments that can offer an increased survival rate. Veterans who suffer from this lung condition should seek medical attention and consult a mesothelioma attorney to learn about receiving medical disability and compensation claims for war-related conditions/illnesses.

For more on mesothelioma cancer visit LegalView's homepage. On this site, find several other various categories to navigate through and locate information on legal topics such as the faulty Zimmer Durom cup or the tendonitis-inducing Levaquin. Also learn the latest on the Viapro recall.

The failing Durom cup hip socket from Zimmer Holdings has stopped being manufactured while hundreds of physicians claim the
Durom cup risks have caused failing hip components among some patients, which would likely be cause for an additional hip replacement surgery. The faulty hip socket has already been implanted into approximately 12,000 patients since the components release in 2006.

Levaquin, which is an antibiotic belonging to the fluoroquinolones drug group, was recently issued the harshest label possible by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The black box label is a warning for physicians that the drug includes serious side effects such as the increased risk of tendonitis or tendon rupture among patients. Individuals taking Levaquin are encouraged to contact a pharmaceutical attorney to learn about the details of a
Levaquin class action lawsuit.

The ongoing complications associated with Viapro were discovered after an internal investigation and test by the FDA that found an undeclared ingredient in the drug. Viapro, which treats erectile dysfunction (ED) and sexual impotency, has been recalled, but patients may still suffer from the
Viapro side effects. Those who are at risk are those also consuming medications containing nitrates, which can be found in high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes medications.

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