Atlanta, Ga. 8/19/2008 12:19:12 AM
News / Business

Public Relation Firms (PR Firms) can Take Advantage of Additional Exposure for Clients on YourFindit

PR Firms are constantly faced with the task of delivering placement for clients throughout the term of their campaign. While traditional campaigns are often geared toward obtaining media print that often includes trade magazines, mention in an article and hopes of a celebrity endorsing the company product, the Internet has also come to the forefront as many companies are looking for additional impressions from their PR Agency on the web. A solution is YourFindit.


Peter Tosto, Marketing Director of TransWorldNews, Inc, the parent company of YourFindit stated, “When a company comes out with a new product they want to hit their demographic and receive a buzz that peaks the interest of the public and converts those people into customers. PR Firms are faced with capturing the limited space in magazines, radio and television shows and with the addition of the Internet as an outlet for company branding  they are now faced with finding effective placement options for their clients on the Web and YourFindit is a great addition.


Many companies are faced with budgets that make it difficult for them to hire a PR Firm to receive a third party endorsement from a writer at a popular magazine, newspaper or spot on the Today show, Good Morning America, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch or XM radio. While mention in an article, a radio spot or television show can place a company on the map, companies struggle to find the means of establishing that presence. Not every company can beg and borrow enough money for a month of PR from a reputable agency for that article or the exposure that truly turns what was a dream into a reality. PR Firms work wonders to get placement for clients and create the exposure they need in areas outside of traditional ads.


YourFindit is the brainchild of parent company TransWorldNews, Inc. Tosto stated, “We are always listening to PR Firms and their clients and have created a platform that meets their demands and assists both the most prestigious Public Relation Firms on the planet and the company that may not have the budget to hire a PR Firm. YourFindit provides a turnkey solution that increases a company’s media impressions while broadcasting their message out to the public through a variety of platforms all in one place.”


YourFindit provides three separate categories, People, Businesses and Musicians/Artist, with a turnkey PR Campaign that delivers your message to the public instantly. Profiles are the theme of YourFindit but the profile is not your typical profile that provides a brief overview of a company, person or band. Profiles on YourFindit include an About Section that can include history of the company, revenue, employees along with the inception date for the company. In addition to the About Section, YourFindit provides a home page where visitors can view a screen shot of the content a member has included. Members can submit press releases for distribution as well as upload pictures, videos and interviews. These members can also post employment opportunities, blogs, events and create their own content section to include anything they may want the public to see. YourFindit is a networking site providing members the ability to network with other members.


Employees can also create their own profile and link to other members as well as back to their employer’s profile.


PR Firms now have a place that enables them to include all of the media they have received for a client and display it for visitors who may not come across the article or video in its original publication. In addition, PR Firms can submit press releases for distribution, post blogs, upload videos and pictures and schedule an audio interview or upload interviews to a member’s profile.


The purpose of YourFindit is to provide a member with the ability to give visitors a visual shot of their business in what many PR Firms describe as the 30 second elevator ride, you have 30 seconds to describe your business and capture someone’s attention. YourFindit provides a place to capture that attention, giving companies the opportunity to deliver their message in that 30-second window, when they upload their content. Visitors can click on a few links from a members profile and receive an in-depth view of what their company is about.


Profiles on YourFindit are free. PR Firms can set up profiles for clients. Business owners, Individuals and Musicians that don’t have a PR Agency representing them can also set up profiles free.


YourFindit does offer members the ability to brand their profile without having outside ads display on the pages within their profile. At a price of $100 for a year businesses can upload their own banners and link back to pages on the company website or other pages in their YourFindit profile. YourFindit does provide art work for companies needing assistance in designing their banners for their exclusive YourFindit profile.


Ask your PR Firm if you’re on YourFindit. Have them schedule an interview with us today.


It’s Your Business, it’s YourFindit it’s Your profile make it exclusive and make it Your Space.


About YourFindit


YourFindit Community provides you with the opportunity to become a member and network with other members. Businesses and Individuals can sign up to create a business profile that includes their own company news, blogs, pictures,  videos, company information (About US), employment opportunities, networking opportunities and more; all accessible to visitors to their profile. Companies and individuals who already have an account through TransWorldNews/Finditt can simply sign in with their same username and password and their uploaded content will appear in their profile.


To create your account simply sign up and within minutes you too can have a business networking profile that attracts new members daily. Exclusive Ad Profiles are available to all members, preventing outside advertisers from appearing on your profile pages with the exception being ads within your network. Members can also select from content such as news and pull in the categories they select to display on their page. Sign Up and Create YourFindit profile where


For media inquiries or interviews please contact:


Peter Tosto- Marketing Director

