Los Angeles 9/28/2010 1:45:51 AM
News / Law

FBI employees cheated on key security exam

FBI agents cheated on an internal exam by conferring, using crib sheets, and finding answers on computers, according to a U.S. Justice Department report released on Monday. Staffs were required to take a test on their knowledge of new unified guidelines on domestic investigations. The FBI employees improperly consulted with others while taking the exam and others used or distributed answer sheets or study guides that essentially provided the answers to the test. Suspicions were raised when many passed the 90-minute exam in just 20 minutes. The report found significant abuses and cheating involving at least 22 employees.

The FBI adopted classroom training on the rules and required that employees pass a computerized 51-question exam. Employees were allowed to use notes and the guidelines, but were barred from consulting with others. The exam's last question required all employees to certify that they did not consult anyone while taking the test.

The report said almost all those who cheated had falsely certified that they had not consulted with anyone else. The inspector general suggested that the FBI take action against those who cheated, consider other appropriate steps to determine whether others cheated and conduct a new exam.

At least one of the senior supervisors in the Washington, D.C., field office who was alleged to have cheated has left the FBI.There have been other recent instances of alleged FBI misconduct. Earlier this month, three FBI special agents and one FBI intelligence analyst were charged with lying about their use of performance-enhancing drugs, including steroids and human growth hormones.