Atlanta, Ga. 8/27/2008 10:35:51 PM
News / Law

Brazil’s Supreme Court to Rule on Future of Indigenous Reserve

The battle over one of Brazil’s largest indigenous reserves has reached the country’s Supreme Court and the ruling could determine the future of indigenous groups throughout the nation.


At the center of the issue is the Raposa Serra do Sol reservation, approximately 4.2 million acres, that Indians are demanding remain protected. The Indians want the territory to remain unbroken and protected from outside economic development, including loggers and prospectors.


Of the 19,000 people living on the Raposa Serra do Sol reservation about 200 are non-indigenous. It is this small group that is arguing that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of the indigenous groups it would mean they would be forced to leave their homes.


There are more than 100 similar cases before the Supreme Court and the decision made regarding the Raposa Serra do Sol could be the model by which those cases are judged.


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