Brattleboro, Vermont 9/28/2010 10:39:35 PM
News / Business

Squeeze Pages: Guess What "Tired Trend" Is Back?

Squeeze pages have come a long way since the 90's...

Looking at the top Internet Marketers out there, you'll see video squeeze pages, reverse squeeze pages, squeeze pages that integrate with Facebook and Twitter - the list goes on and on...

But my testing has showed an interesting turnaround lately -

While everyone's spending time and money on fancy programming, fancier graphics and bulky video - the actual numbers are favoring a different style altogether...

And let me tell you, I'm psyched to see this style re-emerging (mostly because it's so freaking easy to put together)...

The new fad in squeeze pages that' s a total throwback is the simple, white, text only squeeze. Believe it or not.

One of the frustrations I've had to deal with over the years is figuring out how to get the new technologies that are coming out to jive with a traditional direct response approach to list building,especially when it comes to keeping the squeeze pages simple. I think it's important for your squeeze pages to load quickly, be easily and quickly understood, and motivate the prospect to action right away in no unclear terms.

But, depending on my client, and depending on the project, I've had to make some complicated, bulky squeeze pages that I just didn't like. Maybe I'm just old fashioned. So, that's why I'm glad to see a return to a simpler look.

Some people like to have their headline font be a little fancy, so on some of the high converting simple squeeze pages I've seen, there might be an image - and some of the squeeze pages I use personally have a simple border image that makes it look like a plain white sheet of paper, slightly shadowed against a white page.

But outside of those subtle uses of images, you can get optin rates of 50%, 60%, I've seen as high as 78% optin rate from a plain, white page, with a short red headline and a few lines of bold, benefit rich copy.

Making squeeze pages shouldn't take all week. And as a copywriter, I'm thrilled to go back to basics and see my response rates soaring without worrying about streaming video, crunching down graphics, or getting my plugins to work.

If you're stuck - trying to get your squeeze pages online, then try scaling back your idea, and just get to the heart of the offer. Give people a clear, direct call to action and don't fuss with anything complicated - I think you'll see a refreshingly positive response.

Josh Burns is a copywriter for Overcome Everything Inc. He specializes in email marketing and sales video creation. If you'd like a simple walk through that shows you what you need to do to get up and running with a profitable email marketing business in record time, hit the link below: