Houston, Texas - Why would something the body produces be harmful? No medical research studies of DHEA have shown any dangerous effects.
To know DHEA supplementation is safe think it through logically. DHEA is a naturally occurring pro-hormone. It is the most abundant pro-hormone in the body. DHEA is a base building block for hormones we produce. 50 hormones use DHEA as a precursor. The body makes DHEA and pregnenolone from cholesterol. No synthetic substances. Its what we make where we use it.
Health2Go, Inc. hired a PhD chemist with 18 years experience formulating and compounding topical transdermal creams to develop and test Twist 25 DHEA cream. The requirements were set very high. There were 17 versions of the cream considered to develop the best possible cream mix.
Twist 25 cream is a highly specialized custom engineered nanoemulsion cream that delivers pharmaceutical grade bioidentical DHEA through the skin to the ideal place in the dermis for best absorption and metabolism. The small particle (about 200 micrograms) size makes Twist 25 cream unique allowing for optimal delivery of DHEA and a long shelf life (> 2 years).
Health2Go did extensive pilot study testing on the cream for safety and shelf life. In fact, safety studies were done with 50 human test subjects for 60 days; there were no irritations or adverse reactions to the cream. So you can have confidence in Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream knowing Health2Go, Inc. only sells the best possible DHEA cream. Users can feel the many subtle benefits within a few weeks.
The goal should be to maintain DHEA levels that approach the DHEA levels when we are at our healthiest, “in our prime”. Normal levels of DHEA at age 25 are about 300 micrograms for women and 400 micrograms for men. Each pump press of Twist 25 DHEA cream provides about 20 MG DHEA. So women age 35 and up would benefit from using at least 1-2 pump presses per day; and men 2-3 pump presses per day unless otherwise directed by your physician. Testing levels regularly with a blood spot test is recommended to ensure optimum levels are maintained.
To learn more about Health2Go, Inc. or their anti-aging and wellness products or to order on line, please visit www.twist25.com or http://store.twist25.com