Nashville 9/30/2010 10:20:56 PM
News / Law

Hiring an Accident Attorney in Tennessee

In terms of accident law, an accident has been defined as “such a happening resulting in injury that is in no way the fault of the injured person for which compensation or indemnity is legally sought.” While seeking said compensation or indemnity one needs to understand the peculiarities in the laws of the land.

Think it Through

In a country like this one, every state has an oddment or two. Accident laws are pretty straightforward in Tennessee as long as the lawyer you hire knows the aspects of the game. Hiring an accident attorney in Tennessee is easy but a few things need to be looked into before making a final decision.

One Year

There is a statute of limitations in place in Tennessee accident law. This indicates, for example, that you have only one year from the date of a car accident to file a petition against an offending party in a state court of law.

Been Around the Block

Experience has absolutely no substitute when it comes to hiring a good accident attorney in Tennessee or indeed anywhere else in the world. Another valuable tip is to ensure that the attorney that one hires has filed and fought cases in the Tennessee Supreme Court or Court of Appeals.


The Tennessee Supreme Court requires every accident lawyer in Tennessee to complete at least 15 hours of CLE (Continuing Legal Education) every year. It is best to ensure that the lawyer you have zeroed in on has fulfilled this criteria and his license is held in good standing with the court of law.

Checking in to

In addition, Tennessee has its share of organizations that are extremely reputed. The Tennessee Association for Justice (TAJ) and the American Association for Justice (AAJ) both work towards furthering the experience and education of trial related cases in accident lawsuits in Tennessee. While it is not incumbent to look for an accident attorney in Tennessee who is a part of these associations in some capacity, it would only be another added advantage in the long run.

The End Game

An experienced lawyer will ensure that you receive the best settlement possible.