Denver, CO 9/1/2008 8:07:01 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Reports Details of War Veteran Brain Injuries Overlooked By Officials for Years

LegalView, the most comprehensive legal resource available on the Internet, recently reported on the plight of one American war veteran whose severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) during combat have led to a life of pain including continual memory loss, nightmares, inability to sleep, hearing and visual impairments as well as confusion/inability to understand directions. The soldier, just one example of the millions of returning veterans suffering from TBI, had been the victim of several concussions during the war. Because he never took leave from the military for the injuries or was officially treated, the U.S. military has denied him a Purple Heart because of his "improperly recognized" injuries, according to an article from The New York Times.

TBI is a severe ailment in American affecting nearly 5.3 million Americans. Victims of TBI are advised to seek medical attention as well as legal assistance from an experienced
traumatic brain injury attorney who can potentially assist in recovering monetary damages with a possible traumatic brain injury lawsuit.

Many medical professionals have deemed TBI the "signature wound" of the Iraqi war as millions of young U.S. soldiers, now war veterans, return with brain injuries that not only affect them, but their family and friends. Some of the most common
traumatic brain injury symptoms include social and behavioral changes including depression/mood swings, fatigue, hearing and visual changes, seizures, loss of coordination as well as comma or death.

Victims of TBI should seek legal counsel from a knowledgeable
traumatic brain injury law firm. Because of the high cost of medical bills associated with treating nearly any type of brain injury, it may be possible for a TBI victim to receive monetary compensation from TBI litigation to assist in paying for these expensive medical bills. Learn more about this severely debilitating condition at the LegalView TBI information portal, Additionally, LegalView provides an extensive catalog of other legal issues afflicting millions of Americans including those suffering from truck accidents as well as victims of the Levaquin and Cipro pharmaceutical side effects.

Each year, thousands, if not millions, of Americans are involved in automobile accidents. Most recently, researchers reported that the most expensive and fatal vehicular accidents involve trucks. Researchers have also reported that within the last ten years, truck accidents have steadily been increasing. Victims of a truck accident should seek legal consultation to better understand how to protect themselves and potentially develop a
truck accident lawsuit. Discussing such litigation with an experienced truck accident attorney is often free and can provide insight into getting a life back on track after a truck accident has occurred.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also been reporting on another increasing risk that may affect millions of patients in the United States. The FDA informed individuals that the fluoroquinolone drug family, consisting of Levaquin and Cipro, have been found to cause a severe and life-long risk to patients. Levaquin and Cipro are both antibacterial prescription drugs associated with causing tendon ruptures among patients.

Levaquin (levofloxacin), which commonly treats bacterial infections such as pneumonia, skin infections, urinary tract infections and E. Coli, was recently approved for use by children, although a number of studies have described the severity of the
Levaquin risks.

Additionally, Cipro (ciprofloxacin) from Bayer A.G. was released for public use in August 2000, and while it has had several studies conducted on its side effects, which include the Achilles tendonitis and tendon tear, remains on the market. Both drugs have received the harshest FDA labeling but millions of patients may still be at risk for the drug's side effects. To learn more about the dangers contact an experienced pharmaceutical lawyer who can provide details on a
Cipro class action lawsuit.

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