Fort Lauderdale 10/5/2010 2:19:25 AM
News / Law

Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel Might Not Even Run

The laws in the United States are winded and varied depending on which state in the vast country you hail from. There are, of course, several sections of law that need to be studied in depth before taking anything for granted. Two such important sections are the Election Laws and DUI (Driving Under the Influence) Laws.

One Year

Assuming Chicago based Rahm Emanuel decides to file to run for Mayor of Chicago, he will have to fulfill certain residency clauses in the Election Laws of the state, failing which, he will be considered ineligible to run for the election. Of course some say this will not hurt Chicago at all because he is not the limited tax, pro-business candidate they need. Moreover, lawyers play a large role here since there is a section of lawyers’ adamant on the municipal code having clearly stated that a person needs to have been a resident of the town or city for at least a year before applying to run for mayor.

A Wise Choice

DUI lawyers also have an indispensable role to play when it comes to ensuring the most positive outcome for any case. A DUI attorney, quite often, has the life and future of his or her client resting in their hands and on their knowledge of the DUI laws of the state. By being well versed with the DUI laws of that particular state, the DUI attorney ensures that his or her client gets charged with the minimal charges and preferably nothing of it sticks to their client’s record. Though the lawyer may cost a pretty penny, a lot is at stake and one might eventually realize that they saved much more than what the lawyer cost them.

A Strong Teammate

An experienced and skillful DUI lawyer has no substitute and one needs to be hired at the earliest so as to not fall short of the statute of limitations pertaining to the state. A good attorney may be able to weaken the opponent’s case by citing conflicting police procedure as well.

Little or No Flaws

Emanuel may or may not be allowed to run for the elections but timely hiring of a DUI attorney who knows the laws as well as its loopholes might just be the difference between an unblemished track and a tarnished record.