Fort Lauderdale 10/5/2010 2:37:46 AM
News / Law

Rush Limbaugh on the Family Guy

Radio icon Rush Limbaugh has been in the news intermittently owing to his controversial and sometimes, inappropriate antics, statements and of course, his many marriages. But much of what he says is spot on and he does not fall into the mainstream political correctness mushy mush.


Huge Payouts


Rush is back in the news due to his cameo appearance on the show “Family Guy” in the month of October of 2010. Quite a veteran as far as taking the wedding vows are concerned, he just tied the knot for what is to be his 4th marriage! Almost 60, Rush Limbaugh joined in the revelry with all his friends without a thought to anything else at the party at the Breakers in Palm Beach. His three previous marriages have resulted in divorces and hefty settlements.


Feeding the Industry


Most of these settlement files have been sealed and are not open to the public. One can just hope that Rush Limbaugh hired a good divorce lawyer to tide him through. If his riches and standard of living are anything to go by, it does look like he has done quite well for himself despite the pay offs to various wives and divorce lawyers.

Make no Mistake


Divorce lawyers are available a dime for a dozen in today’s world. With the number of divorces on a steady rise, divorce attorneys have many pickings to choose from. What is important, however, is that like Rush; one chooses a good and reputed divorce lawyer.


Though the charges of a divorce attorney might sound steep, you need to ensure that they have the best chance at winning the lawsuit and not losing every dime that they have. Mutual divorces are great but more often than not, they turn out to be myths. When child custody, property, and assets division, alimony issues and the occasional celebrity status are added to the mix, paying a divorce lawyer to sort through it all for you may be the best idea.


With Minimal Damage



An experienced divorce attorney will ensure that your case is filed on time, you are not fleeced in the settlement and all of this is done quickly, discretely, and with the least bit of carnage. Nobody likes being a public spectacle!