Fort Lauderdale 10/5/2010 2:54:30 AM
News / Law

The Immigration Situation at a Glance

Immigration lawyers can be your savior. There is not too many subjects as convoluted as U.S. law with more laws being written and signed every day. The situation is highly chaotic and convoluted and the worse it gets, the more it is criticized and for good reason. There seems to be little anyone can do about it since half of Congress is lawyers and the lawyer lobbyists in D.C. work hard at keeping society dependant on lawyers and their services.

Cutting Through the Red Tape

The situation for someone who wants to enter this country legally is quite dire. Your entire future depends on what an U.S. immigration officer, a bureaucrat, will do. They could be in a foul mood just because the New York Yankees won the World Series. This why you need to strongly consider hiring an immigration attorney. They can help you cut through the jungle that at first seems impassable.

An Upward Climb

The reason you want to pick up an immigration attorney is because they take your case and make it shine. They will make you appear to be the gem you actually are. They will not want to fight against you since they will realize you have a formidable set of immigration lawyers fighting for you. Make little mistake about it, this is a nasty fight and you are in the thick of it. Patience and tact need to be implemented, but sometimes you need to be ready to get your hands dirty.

Getting it Right

You want to choose a superb lawyer who knows your type of case. Let’s say you already have a sizeable investment in your home, perhaps an E2 visa is the best bet for you. What if you have a thriving business in your home country who want to spread your wings into the U.S. market, this is where an L1 visa would be discussed. This is not something you want to guess at. This is not something you want to gamble on, this decision needs to be based on sound logic surrounded by facts.

Have you heard of Facebook? Social websites are in vogue now and this has opened the market up for love and kinship. It is not uncommon for two people to meet online and who are now happily in love with each other. This is where a K1 visa comes into purview.

Take Control

Choose the right lawyer and set yourself up for success. The future is yours; make a decision that reflects this confidence and bright outlook.