Depression can affect all of us at one time or another. Certain professions and lifestyles carry with it greater responsibility and along with that, there can be many more factors in one’s environment that lead to depression. This very often leads to drug or alcohol abuse, as one doctor who came to Narconon in Louisiana recently experienced.
Narconon Riverbend Retreat in Louisiana has a long-standing reputation for solving drug and alcohol addiction permanently. Graduates of their program become truly rehabilitated by doing their nutritional and body detoxification program which, along with their very effective Life Improvement Courses, teach addicts, using a very unique method, the vital information that they previously did not have.
When depression hit one Board Certified family physician, he began to turn to alcohol for relief as many others have done. The result was a gradual worsening of his condition, until finally he was addicted to alcohol.
As Narconon explains in its drug education lectures, alcohol, as well as other drugs, burns up all the vitamins and minerals in the body. A simple deficiency in vitamin B1 alone can cause a person to become depressed. When the person's answer to this is to take a drug or consume alcohol to relieve these commonly observed symptoms, the condition is worsened by the fact that drug or alcohol is now using up the remaining stores of vitamins in the body. The result can be devastating to the individual.
The great majority of drug (and alcohol) addicts generally come into Narconon centers with a severe nutritional deficiency. This is why the first step they take is to have the addict see a medical doctor to determine any specific deficiencies and then the addict is put on specific nutritional supplements that not only rebuild their body, but also assist in the drug detoxification. This action alone assists in the drug (and alcohol) withdrawal, which when done in combination with the rest of the withdrawal steps of the Narconon program, greatly reduces in most cases the painful withdrawal syndromes.
Having completed his Narconon program, the doctor explains his gains in his own words, "I came to Narconon Riverbend Retreat depressed and despondent with suicidal ideations. I was critical of others to an extreme and even more so of myself. I had such self-loathing. However, I sustained many wins and gains and purged this nonsense from myself. I realize I am an amazing person, and more importantly, I am ok with it.
“I learned the way to happiness is honesty with myself and others. I am a good person. I live my life that way. I am good and everything else that matters falls into place. I no longer live my life to be validated by others because I have the insight and self-awareness to validate myself. I do not drink. I am so excited. I now have the ability to confront and handle. I am cause over my life, not effect of it and it feels great. Thank you for your perseverance and for believing in me and helping me to believe in myself.” P.H. -Medical Doctor.
If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction or you would like more information about the Narconon program, contact Narconon Riverbend Retreat at 877-340-3602.