New York 10/6/2010 3:40:31 AM
News / Law

Eliot Spitzer’s New Show on CNN

Parker Spitzer sees Eliot Spitzer at his infamous best! Working with Kathleen Parker, Eliot Spitzer’s brand of comic timing and slap-stick humor had everyone in laughing hysterically during the premiere of the show. Spitzer has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. This former governor of New York is better known to the world as “Client 9” who cheated on his wife of 33 years with a prostitute, Ashley Dupre.

A Public Spectacle

Divorce looked like it was on the cards for Spitzer when Dupre used him to get her moment in the limelight. In his case, as any divorce lawyer would tell you, a divorce would have been the messiest proposition. Not only has he been married for a very long time, but he also has three daughters, loads of property, and money and he is also a famous personality. An experienced divorce lawyer could have guided Spitzer’s wife to sue him for all he is worth. It did not help that he very made a public debacle of their marriage.

Amazing Forgiveness

The new CNN host though, managed to get lucky in a different way! His wife, Silda Wall, decided to stand by him and not seek a divorce. In fact, she decided that it was all her fault in the first place! As a wife, she failed and so his decision to stray was understandable. Experts call this martyr-like attitude, other say this is a whole load of codswallop.

Keeping a Lid on It

A divorce lawyer would have been able to discretely handle the entire issue if Spitzer and his spouse had decided to part ways. It is a divorce attorney’s prerogative to ensure that his or her client does not end up with the short end of the stick and in high profile cases like these; the reputations of both parties is at stake as well.

Client 9

Spitzer looks like he has a good thing going with CNN now. Only public opinion and channel ratings will tell the final end to the tale. CNN itself is the one struggling. Meanwhile though, the infamous “Client 9” looks like he has a way with words and seems capable of asking the most controversial questions to his guests.