Washington 10/6/2010 3:52:48 AM
News / Law

Jill Biden at The White House Summit To Promote Community Colleges

Jill Biden, wife of Joe Biden, essentially the Second Lady of the United States of America, will be at the White House Summit along with President Obama in an effort to turn the limelight on community colleges. The President and Jill Biden are working together to ensure that the number of community college graduates increases greatly by the year 2020 and hopefully they want to go into science and engineering. America has a shortage of them. This was something that was a part of the Presidents manifest ever since he has come into power, as well as increase the national debt, increase the scope of government knowing it will undermine America’s prosperity. Jill Biden is the organizer of the White House Summit.

Another Innocent Person Lost

Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States is Jill Biden’s husband. Tragedy has dogged the Vice President for a while now. He lost his first wife Neilia and daughter Naomi who was just 13 months old in an accident. The Senator has always spoken out against DUI or Driving Under Influence. His first wife and children had been out buying Christmas trees in the season and were broadsided by a truck whose driver was allegedly under the influence of alcohol.


DUI lawyers are available a dime a dozen in today’s day and age. This is probably due to the fact that DUI cases have increased manifold since Biden’s case. There is a statute of limitations in place that necessitates hiring a DUI lawyer as soon as possible. A DUI lawyer can work through loopholes in the system of DUI law so as to ensure that the accused gets away with a minor charge. In cases like Biden’s family deaths, if the driver were to have been charged and convicted a DUI lawyer might not have been able to do much due to the extremity of the damage caused. However, the family of the truck driver still denies his responsibility in the case.

A Second Love

It needs to be understood, in cases like these that a DUI lawyer might get you off but the trauma and guilt of having caused anyone hurt and pain when under the influence and behind the wheel will last a lifetime. Joe Biden thankfully went on to find happiness with Jill Jacob now Biden.