Los Angeles 10/6/2010 3:56:18 PM
News / People

If you forget to pay..…beware!

Though it goes against all the values and ethics the public services stand for, the firefighters in Gene Cranick of Obion County let a house burn to the ground while they stood watching. This was all the result of Cranick forgetting to pay the annual fee of seventy five dollars.

Since Obion County does not have its own fire fighting services, the nearby South Fulton offers its fire fighting services to the residents of Obion County at a yearly fee.

When Cranick had called up the fire fighting services of South Fulton, he was informed by the operator that he was not on their list. At this point, Cranick offered to pay whatever expenses that would be incurred in putting out the fire that was burning his house even as they were speaking, but his offer was flatly refused.

Eventually, the South Fulton fire department did turn up, but to put out the fire which had spread to the neighboring house. The neighboring house had paid the annual fee to the fire services. Though they put out the fire on the fence, they did not address the raging fire in the Cranick house.

The President of an association representing firefighters condemned the act adding that the firefighters should never have had to check a list before they respond to a distress call. South Fulton’s mayor defended the act of irresponsibility committed by his town’s fire services.

Cranick’s house had caught fire when his grandson was burning trash near the house. The fire rapidly grew out of control and spread to the neighboring house. Gene Cranick lost all his possessions including the family pets- two dogs and a cat in the fire. He is living in a trailer on his property at present. He is hoping that the insurance payout will help him pay for part of the losses. However, he knows that the payment will not cover all that he has lost in the blaze. One of his sons, unable to contain his emotions, attacked the Fire Chief David Wilds. He was arrested on charges of assault.