New York 10/7/2010 3:33:35 AM
News / Law

Hungary Still Suffering in Throes of Toxic Floods

There are some minerals and chemicals that are termed toxic and hazardous to the health of individuals who ingest it or are unduly exposed to it. Given a fair warning most people will be well equipped to steer clear of these toxic substances that are very dangerous for their health and safety. Unfortunately there are some situations where this prior warning is not given for whatever reason.

Worse Still to Come

Hungarian citizens are still suffering due to the deadly toxic red sludge flood that occurred when this liquid broke through the chemical company dam. The sludge comprises of alumina which is an oxide of aluminum. The E.U. had tested the material initially and it was declared to be non-toxic. The citizens who have suffered severe burns and disfigurement due to the substance have a different story to tell. Doctors are saying that some effects might develop over a period of time. In other words, people who feel they have escaped unscathed thus far may find out some terrible news years down the road.


In the U.S., asbestos has been used as an insulating mineral for the longest time. Though this is a trickle over a large number of years instead of a sudden flood, workers in factories using asbestos were deliberately not made aware of the problems. Asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer.

Golden Expertise

Mesothelioma lawyers have been filing lawsuits both posthumously and for clients who have just been diagnosed with this terminal illness. Mesothelioma lawyers specifically deal with these cases as this is where their expertise and knowledge lies. A patient suffering from this disease does not have the physical prowess required to bring the company responsible to book. This is where a mesothelioma lawyer is absolutely indispensable.

The lawyers know the inside workings of the mesothelioma law and pertaining lawsuits and as such, are well equipped to deal with the case in a quick and discrete manner. In a trying time like this, only a mesothelioma lawyer can ensure that you receive the maximum settlement amount possible to help you and your family deal with this calamity.

A Mistake Somewhere

Hungarian villages have been ravaged by this toxic flood and if the company is proved to be negligent in this case, lawsuits are imminent.