Fresno 10/7/2010 4:09:45 AM
News / Law

High Speed Truck Chase Makes Victor Perez the Hero

The people in the beautiful locale of Fresno, California have been horrified by the reckless kidnapping of a little eight year old girl. The citizens of Fresno and the country at large can breathe a collective sigh of relief. This is thanks to Mr. Victor Perez, a man whose job includes many small time ventures and by some divine providence did not go to work, to any of his professional ventures, that fateful day. Perez was the ultimate Good Samaritan and managed to get head on into a high speed truck chase with his white Ford pickup pitted against the abductors reddish brown Chevrolet pickup truck. What ensued seems to be a scene from a Bond movie.

Dangerous Times

Gregorio Gonzalez lost the chase and his freedom when he was nabbed by the police in the neighborhood. Perez managed to get right in front of the other truck and stop it. This prompted the kidnapper to release the child immediately while avoiding an accident. For a good purpose like this, high speed chases can be condoned by most people. The U.S. sees too many road kills because of reckless and careless driving.

A Thriving Industry

Accident lawyers have their hands and coffers full with the number of lawsuits and court cases that are directed to them due to auto and car accidents. Truck accidents form a very large number of cases that accident lawyers are hired to fight against. A good accident attorney can ensure that you get the best possible compensation in terms of damages to your vehicle as well as your person.

Don’t Get Cheated

There are not any substitutes to a good, reputable, and highly experienced accident lawyer because more often than not, the laws are different in each state and only someone well versed with the loopholes of the laws of the land will be able to ensure that you don’t get swindled and short changed in a case of this caliber and nature.

Perez the Hero

Accident lawyers aside, the day might have ended terribly if Perez did not choose to be the man of the hour.  All laws exist only to protect their citizens. It sure is nice to see citizens going out of the way to protect each other