Beijing 10/7/2010 11:39:08 PM
News / Law

UFO Sightings in China

UFO’s have been sighted in the night skies much longer than DUI lawyers have been in business. Whenever shiny bright lights are seen blinking in the sky, people entertaining ideas of an intelligent life form arriving from another world to meet us have surfaced. Not surprisingly, most of these cases are reported after the reporter has had just a little bit too much to drink!

No Excuses

Even such strange sightings and supernatural events seem to be perfectly logical and possible when one is under the influence of alcohol. DUI attorneys have their hands full with people who decide to drink and drive right here on earth. Hiring a good DUI lawyer is probably the only smart thing that the person will have done during the course of the fateful day. Only a DUI attorney can save your vehicle from being impounded, your license being revoked or suspended and worse, being jailed for being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or even both while driving. Farfetched stories about blinking lights in the sky may not be enough to keep you safe.

No One is Buying It

Lately UFO sightings in China have forced airports to seize their operations for hours on end. Government officials initially stated that some covert mission of their making was responsible for the lights but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Pinpointing Mistakes

Though these sightings seem too fantastical to be true or believable, there are some things that are best left to the experts. These are people who will be able to analyze these videos and release correct information. Similarly, if you are guilty of one drink too many and then hitting the road, put your trust in an expert DUI lawyer who might just be able to keep the infraction off your record and at least save your driving license from suspension by finding flaws in the police procedure or breath analyzer test.

Don’t Drink and Drive

While it might be entertaining to gaze at the sky spotting UFO’s when drunk, things can get out of hand behind the wheel in an instant. Do not hesitate to contact a DUI lawyer immediately if you find yourself in such a situation.