New York 10/8/2010 12:01:33 AM
News / Law

Nobel Prize Winners

The Nobel Prize distribution is in the news lately. Robert Edwards, the pioneer of in vitro fertilization procedure was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine this year, in 2010. The Nobel laureate for Literature is next in line while the end of the distribution will be with the Nobel Prize for Peace. Science has saved so many lives. The Nobel is an appreciation of all the brilliant scientists who have given their time, energy, and lives to the development of scientific advances.

Medical Advancements Impact Mesothelioma

The latest research shows that there are biomarkers and protein signatures of cancers like mesothelioma. This could help in detection of the terminal illness at an earlier stage and as such, potentially save millions of lives. Mesothelioma lawyers stipulate that about 15,000 to 20,000 people succumb to this deadly disease every year.

A Balancing Act

Unfortunately, for people already diagnosed with the illness there is little or nothing that can be done. The first thing to do, if the asbestos exposure was due to no fault of the victim but that of his or her workplace, is to hire a mesothelioma lawyer who will be able to ensure that they can get the best compensation possible. It does not change the status of the disease, but mesothelioma lawyers fight these cases in the quickest and most discrete manner so that the victim and his or her family obtain the money they desperately need and deserve. No, this financial gift will not eradicate the disease but it is general principal, it will help offer a good to balance out the bad.

At Little or No Cost

A fee is charged for the services rendered by a mesothelioma attorney. However, they can be hired at a “No Win, No Fee” agreement which dictates that they receive compensation only if the mesothelioma victim does, their client. This way the expense of hiring a mesothelioma lawyer does not add to the woes of the grief stricken family.

Benefitting from Cancer

The Nobel Prize is waiting for those illustrious scientists that can help put a stopper to the death by engaging cancer, a disease that has killed millions. Cancer takes so many lives but people never give up and keep fighting even when they are diagnosed with this lethal disease. With this new study, it looks like mesothelioma victims might stand a better chance now.