New York 10/9/2010 1:09:28 AM
News / Law

Happy Birthday Lennon!

John Lennon is one of the most iconic figures of this millennium. The Beatles have been repeatedly called the biggest trend setters ever. Lennon’s sound bytes have created storms in many a teacup. The man, who sang the soul shaking song, Imagine, had once said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus! October 8, 2010 marks his 70th birth anniversary.

Worth Every Penny

Another thing that made Lennon and his Beatles famous was the infamous personal lives they led. Who can forget Lennon’s divorce with Cynthia Powell which her divorce lawyer demanded on the grounds of adultery? Lennon wrote later that his relationship with Yoko Ono was "worth breaking up a happily married state of boredom for," and said in an interview that he and Cynthia "never had much to say to each other."

A Massive Financial Mistake

Paul McCartney, his fellow Beatles have been in the news’ spotlight too. This illustrious gentleman also has quite a story when it comes to marriages and divorces. His recent divorce with much younger girl and activist, Heather Mills is what nightmarish divorce stories are made of. The lack of a pre-nuptial agreement and some cut-throat divorce lawyers who were a part of the Mills party ensured that she ended up with a whopping 23 million pounds of McCartney’s money. Considering the short duration of the marriage, this was a fantastic settlement for Mills by any standard.

A Proper Investment

Divorce lawyers in such cases are absolutely pivotal in the negotiation of the best settlement possible. While hiring a divorce lawyer is expensive in the first place, in the long run if you consider the money and property that you can save or alternatively, earn with a good divorce lawyer litigating the case, it definitely will seem worth it.

Everyone Counts

Divorce laws are multi-faceted and dynamic. It is best to hire a divorce attorney who is well versed with the law and has some great client testimonials to back him. It is not just the celebrity divas who need good divorce lawyers. These personalities have more to lose in terms of money and celebrity status but all divorce seekers have plenty at stake.