Fort Lauderdale 10/9/2010 1:25:28 AM
News / Law

Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo

Freedom – what does this small and common word mean? There are so many things citizens of free countries take for granted. Our laws provide for freedom of speech and thought. We say what we think is right. We can go on to blogs and use the Internet to voice our opinions. Even when we are wrong, we have laws that allow us the benefit of doubt. We can fight our cases in a clear, unbiased court of law.

Our Right

Our thoughts are our own. Nobody has the right to infringe on them. What if we lived in a country or in times where we could be branded heretics and dissidents for speaking our own mind even if it is against the government? What if we were no longer entitled to an opinion that we could freely shout and share off rooftops?

China Looks Bad

Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has just been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. In 2008, this illustrious man was branded dissident by his country for having spoken out against the situation that democracy and human rights are in in the country of China. He is currently imprisoned in China for duration of 11 years for the manifesto he wrote in 2008. Beijing is not happy with the Nobel Prize because quite obviously it draws international attention to the limitation in laws and freedoms of the country.

Accident Lawyers Help so Many

In the U.S., laws are framed to protect and safeguard the rights of citizens. If you feel you have been wronged by any person or company, you have the right to take it into the court of law. Accident lawyers fight cases of wrongful death, auto and truck accidents, invasion of privacy and slander.

Fighting Through the Jungle

If any of these issues apply to you, all you have to do is hire an accident lawyer to ensure that the case is justly dealt with and that you receive fair compensation. In addition, you want the accident attorney to negotiate on your behalf which they will for your benefit. Laws like these and lawyers who specialize in them, like accident lawyers, help us breathe free and ensure that our freedom and rights are secure and honored.