Fort Lauderdale 10/10/2010 1:31:46 AM
News / Law

Not much to laugh about when it comes to DUI

Being charged with a major traffic violation can be compared to that time in elementary school when a bunch of kids in your class contracted head lice; it sucks, but it happens to nice people too!

Unfortunately, there’s not much to laugh about when it comes to DUI. There’s just shock, shame, the possibility of losing your license, the stress on your family and your work, and the endless barrage of mail advertising DUI lawyers, as if you needed another daily reminder of your predicament.

If the task of selecting an attorney seems overwhelming, the thought of facing the legal mayhem without one might knock you flat. How can you swiftly and confidently find a team who will fight for your best interests behind the scenes, allowing you to keep your normal life on center stage?

Our team of DUI lawyers has consistently been ranked #1 in the county for client satisfaction. Our professionals have published books on DUI law, served the community for decades, and stand behind EVERY client EVERY step of the way. We work around your schedule, our fees are reasonable, and payment plans are available.

Choosing the best DUI lawyers to represent you is extremely important. That’s why we invite you to call our offices and schedule an initial consultation. There is no obligation and no cost involved. You will meet face-to-face with one of our knowledgeable, personable, and capable attorneys who will listen to your story and assess your specific needs. If you choose to enlist our services, you can immediately resume your busy life while we handle the red tape and get you back on the road.

DUIs are never fun for anyone. But with our help, you can be sure this mess will soon be nothing but a speck in your rearview mirror.