Fort Lauderdale 10/10/2010 11:46:27 PM
News / Law

DUI Lawyers - How to choose the best one?

If you have already gone through the terrible experience of an inexperienced attorney, it’s high time that you take look into the following attributes before you go about looking for another DUI lawyers.

 Experience counts

Go for experience when it comes to choosing your DUI lawyers. Yes talent does make a difference but if that is not backed up by good practical experience; then it means that the talent has not been tested as yet. When you look at the experience of the attorney, you should look at the number of cases being handled till date and also the success rate.

Extensive Research

After having made the list of probable attorneys, try to do some more research and find out as to what the society and the outside world has to say about the DUI attorney and his or her legal firm. Make use of your contacts and try to know something about their court room experiences. Some friend or relative of yours would have definitely made use of an attorney at some point of time in their life. Try to sit down and get some valuable data with them.

 Use the internet

If you do not have such people around you, then make use of the internet as there would be some legal forums or discussion boards where the best and the worst attorneys would be discussed for sure.

 Don’t come across as a thief

It is very important when you are searching for an attorney that you put yourself presentable and respectable whenever you meet them in person. Any leading attorney would like to fight for someone who has a stronger case backing him up. No attorney would like to work for a person who is in the wrong. And the way you dress and present yourself makes a huge difference to the chances of the attorney willing to take up your case.

If you follow the above mentioned steps, I don’t think it would be that difficult for you to get hold of some of the best DUI lawyers in your city.