Fort Lauderdale 10/11/2010 9:07:37 PM
News / Law

When you’ve been arrested for a DUI

Everyone makes poor choices sometimes. We speed when we’re late for work, we slip through that light that was a little closer to red than it was to remaining yellow. Generally, while we know that we shouldn’t make these choices, we figure odds are we’ll get away with it and no one will get hurt. Unfortunately, sometimes we make choices that have consequences with the potential for much greater harm. Getting behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is never a good choice. But when you’ve been arrested for a DUI, you need to protect yourself with the best DUI lawyer you can find to help prevent the consequences from outweighing the crime.

One of the most important factors to consider when recovering from a DUI arrest is who your lawyer will be. Once the offense of driving under the influence has been recorded, an experienced DUI lawyer will be your most important ally in your ability to deal with the consequences in a way that minimizes the impact of your citation. The consequences for DUI in the state of Florida vary depending on the amount of alcohol recorded on your breathalyzer test, and whether the arrest is your first offense or not. From a fine to jail time, an experienced DUI lawyer can help you navigate your sentencing if found guilty, or can aid you in mounting a vigorous defense if you are arrested as the result of an error at the time you were pulled over.

When dealing with actions that have the potential to affect your life and livelihood, you want someone with the most experience and the most proven track record of helping out good people who sometimes make bad choices. You want a DUI lawyer who can help you get over the arrest, and move on with your life.