Fort Lauderdale 10/13/2010 10:00:54 PM
News / Law

Pfizer Bids Big for King Pharma

Pfizer has agreed to buy King Pharmaceuticals for a whopping $3.6 billion! King Pharmaceuticals is involved in the creation and sale of pain medication. The last big deal like this was when Pfizer took over Wyeth for an equally staggering sum. King Pharmaceuticals is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of pain medicines. Their main focus, however, is on the creation of pain medication that has mechanisms to prevent any kind of drug abuse.

An Escape from Reality

As time passes and a population ages, pain medication begins to act as a savior to most people who suffer from various diseases. While this may not be applicable to all cases, this is what is generically seen. In situations where someone faces a terminal disease for example, pain medication dulls the senses but can only provide temporary relief. Mesothelioma is a type of rare cancer that has been seen in the recent years. Employers who chose not to tell their employees about the ill effects of the continued exposure to asbestos have been challenged in the court of law.

A Hired Gun

Personal injury cases have been filed against many such conglomerates by mesothelioma lawyers. These are the specialized set of lawyers that almost seem to act in ways similar to pain medication for the unfortunate people who suffer from the disease. Mesothelioma lawyers are the ones who can ensure that their client’s case is completed and settled as quickly as possible and that their client receives a just and yet generous settlement. Without a specialized mesothelioma lawyer, you might end up with either an inadequate settlement or no settlement at all.

A Sigh of Relief

A mesothelioma attorney also ensures that you don’t have to ruin your already delicate health by running from pillar to post in the court of law. All aspects of the case are handled by the mesothelioma lawyer and their group with as little client intervention and involvement as possible.

Progress Made on Both Fronts

In the end, it needs to be understood that there is gold in the pills! The good of mankind is one advantage of taking over multi-nationals like King Pharmaceuticals and fighting mesothelioma cases alike.