Fort Lauderdale 10/13/2010 10:17:08 PM
News / Law

David Arquette Allows Jasmine to ‘Waltz’ In

Celebrity lifestyles always garner a certain amount of attention from the paparazzi and the people of the world alike. When there is news regarding sweethearts like Courtney Cox and David Arquette, it obviously generates a little more attention than usual.

David Arquette Made a Bad Trade

This couple had been together for a good 11 years and have a beautiful young daughter, Coco for verification. They have, however, been separated for a few months now, if the news is to be believed, and they might also be getting ready walk down divorce avenue. David Arquette has apparently been seen with Jasmine Waltz of the “I slapped Lindsay Lohan” fame. Waltz is a cocktail waitress with a reputation.

Dirty Linen

Divorce lawyers will soon be hired to sort out property issues as amicably as possible. The couple indicates that they are still friends. The matter is complicated even for divorce lawyers due to the involvement of the child in the issue. Both sides of parents and divorce attorneys will want nothing more than to arrive at an amiable conclusion so that matters are cleared without it resulting in a free for all, symbolically thought of as: let’s wash our dirty linen in public case.

Divorce lawyers may be expensive to hire but what would you rather pay for, an excellent divorce attorney with established credentials or the person you intend to divorce for whatever reasons? Alimony and child support can be incredibly back breaking amounts if you don’t have a good divorce attorney to negotiate the amounts for you and while insuring you are not left holding the keys to a ruined car that does not operate.

No Fault Divorce

A divorce lawyer need not be hired to do any mudslinging or to find fault with the opposing party as most states in this country have a no fault divorce law in place. Even so for the just and quick appropriation of assets and money, it is best to hire a divorce lawyer.

Cox Wins in this Trade

While we fervently hope that it works out for this celebrity couple, it doesn’t look like much will change. While Jasmine Waltz has swooped in for the kill on David Arquette, Courtney Cox is currently enamored with the very eligible Mr. Brian Von Holt.