Los Angeles 10/13/2010 10:42:40 PM
News / Law

Accident While Filming Transformers 3

The awesome Chevrolet Camaro, Bumblebee in Transformers 3, is in the news for reasons other than the dramatic portrayal of a robot car with a conscience. The roads were vacated for the filming of this much anticipated flick early on in the day. Bumblebee lost control and rammed into a police issue SUV. Though no one was hurt, this just goes to show how easily accidents can take place even in a controlled environment.

The Steps Involved

Accidents are sometimes inevitable. In case you happen to be in an accident, there are a few things that you need to do to ensure the safety and security of yourself as well as anyone else involved in the fiasco. After medical attention is summoned, the next most important step is to file a report with the police, and hire an accident attorney.

Emotional Control

An accident lawyer is indispensable in a case like this. Try as much as possible to stick to the basics with the police and without the presence of your accident attorney. Even if you are in a state of hysteria, try not to say too much, or incriminate yourself in the eyes of the law. In other words, do not be in a state of hysteria, control yourself.  

Hire Some Help

If you have been injured or your vehicle has been damaged, you might have an accident lawsuit lying in front of you. In cases like these, an accident lawyer can help you with the procedure and ensure that you receive the best possible settlement in terms of monetary compensation from the other party. An accident lawyer works for you at a time when you might be incapable of handling situations due to your accident and resultant injuries. You are obligated by the court of law and system of justice to receive adequate compensation if the accident attorney can prove the case in your favor.

Thinking Ahead

In this situation, no one was injured and the only damage was to property, referring to the set of the blockbuster and much anticipated Transformers III movie. Coinciding with a real situation, depending on whose fault it is and whether either party decides to press charges, a court case may be avoided after all. If there is any chance of a lawsuit though, it will be most prudent to hire an accident lawyer