Los Angeles 10/14/2010 8:38:12 PM
News / Law

Police search goes on for Zahra, now presumed dead

The police of North Carolina have now assumed that Zahra, a 10-yr-old Australian girl, is dead. They have been using police dogs to search for her remains in the pond, piles of decaying plant material and tree trimming equipment at her father’s work spot.

Zahra Baker was reported missing from her house on Saturday. Her step mother had apparently last seen her in bed at 2.30 am. The police are yet to confirm this statement. Nobody other than the immediate family members has seen Zahra outside her house for over a month.

Zahra has a prosthetic left leg after an amputation following a battle with bone cancer 5 years ago. The treatment for the cancer also left her deaf in both ears for which she was using hearing aids. She moved to America from Australia last year when her father met and decided to marry Elisa Baker. Elisa Baker is reported to have been a terrible stepmother to Zahra. The neighbors have reported to have seen her beating Zahra at the slightest provocation. Elisa Baker was initially detained by the police for unrelated charges. Now that she has confessed to having forged a ransom note which sidetracked the police, she will be charged with obstruction of justice. She remains the prime suspect in the abduction turned homicide case. The police haven’t yet ruled out the father as a suspect.

Earlier in the day, a stone faced Elisa faced the judge as he explained to her that she was facing up to 30 months in jail for the charge of obstruction of justice. Zahra’s father admits that his wife may have something to do with Zahra’s disappearance. Her relatives too feel the same way.

Locals in Hickory have held a candlelight vigil for the little girl who has disappeared from her unhappy home.