Fort Lauderdale 10/15/2010 2:42:40 AM
News / Law

Zahra Baker – Victim of Murder

In this vast and still somewhat remaining free country, there are two kinds of lawsuits that require the presence of a dazzling and experienced lawyer. A criminal lawsuit, like a kidnapping or murder, and of course, DUI cases, which fall under these categories. The outcome of both these types of cases often dictates the quality of the rest of the life of a person.

Some Shallow People Out There

The Australian case of the kidnapping of the little ten year old child, Zahra Baker, has shaken the very foundation of everything positive and good that people all over the world might believe in. It is now presumed that the poor child may have not survived the ordeal and might actually be dead. Her step mother and father, shocking enough, are the prime suspects in this soul shattering case.

A Terrible Story Revealed

Recent news and interviews conducted with the young girl’s distant family members sheds some much needed light on her living conditions before her death. Having fought bone cancer in the last few years, Zahra lost a part of her leg to the battle. Despite the fact that she had hearing disabilities, she was known to be a shy yet intrinsically happy child.

Lock Them Up, Toss Away the Key

Reports suggest that she was ill-treated and harassed by her step mother. She was also punished severely quite often. There is public outrage about this case all over the world and criminal lawyers are waiting to descend on the scene. If it is proved that the child has been murdered then the perpetrators should not be allowed to escape or even receive a final say. Is the death penalty on the table?

A DUI Case

A DUI case requires a DUI lawyer to be hired almost immediately as there is a statute of limitations in most states. If a DUI lawyer is not hired on time then the situation might get out of hand and you might end up going to jail or trial, wherein you might be sentenced to a longer prison term based on the extent of damage to life and property.

A Tactical Decision

A DUI lawyer can limit this carnage. When your life depends on it, you need the best possible outcome to a case. Hiring a DUI attorney is the most prudent route to walk down.