Fort Lauderdale 10/15/2010 3:17:11 AM
News / Law

CWG 2010 Closing Ceremony

After many hitches from the very start of the games, to a fantastic end that everyone appreciated, the Commonwealth Games 2010 have surely done India proud. A developing nation, that is incredibly over populated, like India keeps coming up against western standards of delivery of services and sometimes it looks like the world’s largest democracy might just fall short. It was a similar case with the Commonwealth Games 2010.

A Closing and an Ending

With many athletes pulling out, due to the lack of health and terror management in the country, there was a time when even a mediocre level of sportsmanship would have been welcome. However, things seemed to pick up tremendously well right from the magnificent opening ceremony. The 14th of October 2010 also saw a beautiful closing ceremony which highlighted the beauty and grace that embodies everything Indian. The best part of the ceremony was the inclusion of 2010 children in commemoration of the year, who sang and ran very well.

A Disadvantage

India keeps making it to the world news forum for both good things and bad. As a developing nation they still seem to be struggling against westernization. One aspect of their lives that has seen a negative reflection of western customs is the increase in their divorce rate. Divorce lawyers are being hired by every divorce seeking couple so as to ensure that they don’t get short changed in a settlement or alimony negotiation. Divorce attorneys in India have a tougher task at hand as compared to divorce attorneys here as the No Fault laws are not in place in Indian courts.

Something to Work Towards

Divorce lawyers in India however have to deal with issues just like those all over the world. These include just appropriation of property, assets, monetary value as well as child custody issues if needed. While any country on the fast track to westernization is bound to show similar statistics, divorce lawyers in India seem to have more to do as compared to those lawyers in other countries. The fervent hope is that like the Commonwealth Games where everything was sorted out before it all went downhill permanently and abruptly; the divorce rate will be dealt with too.