New York 10/15/2010 3:24:41 AM
News / Law

$100 Million Medicare Fraud

In today’s day and age, it is really not surprising to see that people conceal the truth to take advantage of others. This undue advantage allows them to earn money either to fraud or through continued use of the other group’s resources and services.

In the Nick of Time

Police in Los Angeles, Miami, New York, etc. have just nabbed a large group of 48 people who are Armenian American. This group had set up fake Medicare centers, claiming to provide people aid. In the long run, this fake company seems to have duped 118 people and would have escaped with a huge sum of $100 million they stole had the vigilant law enforcement services not nabbed them first.

Not So Lucky

People who invested money in their services are thankful that they were saved from being duped of their life’s savings. Unfortunately, many employees of huge chemical companies in America were not as lucky as these people who will soon receive their money back.

No Other Alternative

Ever since the 1920’s, some companies have made extensive use of the insulator and mineral asbestos. Exposure to asbestos causes mesothelioma. This fact was not divulged to the employees. These cheated employees developed the rare cancer, mesothelioma and have no other way to attain justice than by going to the court of law and seeking litigation.

Throwing Out Hurdles

Mesothelioma attorneys have been hired to fight these cases specifically. A mesothelioma lawyer knows exactly how the cancer battle works in the legal system and is ready to work through all the loopholes that the lucrative employers might take while trying to escape from reaching a settlement.

A Safety Net

Mesothelioma attorneys ensure that they manage without too much client intervention as most clients are in a delicate state of health. Mesothelioma lawyers are the best bet to guarantee that you and your family receive the settlement that most commiserates with your trauma. There is a slight chance, if you hire an experienced and talented mesothelioma lawyer, your settlement might just run into millions which is really gut wrenching blow your former employer must cope with. This would ensure that when you need it the most, you and your family will have a safe cushion of money to rely on.