Los Angeles 10/15/2010 12:49:27 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Over the counter chelation therapy illegal: FDA

In a crackdown operation on chelators, FDA sent letters of warning to eight companies who have been selling these drugs over the counter. The health authorities started becoming alarmed after chelation therapy was widely publicized over the internet as treatment for a number of chronic diseases such as autism, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. The easily available, unapproved and illegal chelators claimed that they cleanse the body of heavy metals. These drugs cause serious health complications including kidney failure and dehydration. Without proper medical supervision these drugs can possibly be deadly. There has been a report of one autistic child who died following intake of these drugs. The agency feels that the symptoms maybe widespread but not reported or not recognized as a side effect of chelation. The companies in question have been targeting especially the parents of autistic children.

Traditionally, doctors have used chelation in cases of heavy metal poisoning. The compound in the chelators binds with the heavy metal in the body enabling excretion of the poisonous metal. The chelator products that have been approved by the FDA is a prescription drug and has to be taken only under medical supervision because of its serious side effects.

World Health Products; Hormonal Health; Evenbetternow; Maxam Nutraceutics/Maxam Laboratories; Cardio Renew; Artery Health Institute; and Dr. Rhonda Henry were the companies that received the warning letter from the FDA. Many of the companies have made claims of reversing arthrosclerosis, lowering of cholesterol and blood pressure on their advertisements on the internet.  They have been given 15 days to act following which fines, seizing of products and criminal prosecution may follow.

Although many studies have been done on chelators by the National Institutes of Health, nothing has been conclusive.