Fort Luaderdale 10/15/2010 8:55:53 PM
News / Law

DUI lawyers are an inevitable part of a society

DUI lawyers are an inevitable part of a society where driving under the influence has become such a common crime. The consequences for driving while intoxicated are hefty, leaving DUI lawyers with a big job.


Clients that have been caught driving under the influence need representation in the face of potential license loss, vehicle possession, and even jail time. Not to mention the long term implications when seeking employment or completing other applications.


However, a good DUI attorney will be able to avoid as many of those ramifications as possible. His or her responsibility will be solely to the client and will involve offering legal advice and explications, standing up for the rights of client, and representing the client in court. The lawyer should be well-versed in DUI legislation and experienced in the field.


Work in this field is stressful and takes a motivated, professional person. While the lawyer may think poorly of the client’s choice to drive while intoxicated, professionalism prevents that opinion from being expressed or acted upon. The lawyer must leave those personal biases behind and devote his or her efforts towards protecting the client.


Lawyers for clients with DUIs may have to research the case and prepare witnesses or other relevant parties for court. It will be important to gather all of the facts and piece together the strongest case for the client. Someone guilty of driving while intoxicated may not accurately remember the details of the incident, so it is important to investigate and develop an understanding of what exactly happened.


Finally, DUI lawyers need to know how to market themselves and create an approachable and available appearance to potential clients. They should be welcoming and professional, offering complete reassurance.


For more information about DUI lawyer, to find one nearby, or to join a community of other lawyers, visit